Monday, March 22, 2010


So I've found lately that I have more and more friends to be thankful for.  Numerous groups of them of which I have to divide my time and attention between, and I have noticed that they inspire me to aspire to be a better person.  The little quirks that we all have are suddenly evident to me, I love all my friends exactly for who they are, I want to help them grow into better people and I find that they are helping me do the same thing.  Each little quirk makes me look at myself and ponder how I appear to others.  My friends have been making me feel like a good person (I'm not always sure) and they make me realize how much of myself still has room to grow. I'm thankful that I have these AWESOME friends, and even moreso now that I notice how much they are helping me become a better person, well-rounded, adaptive, and wiser for my past mistakes and thankful for having made them. Because I now realize that I am still becoming who I am, and everything that I have endured in this lifetime is a contribution to my personality and who I am as an individual in this world.  I realize that this is incredibly delving and deep for a quick post, so I have decided to include a few pictures of things that make me happy. :D Enjoy!

My Lily <3

My furbabies <3



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